Source code for bdflib.glyph_combining

# bdflib, a library for working with BDF font files
# Copyright (C) 2009-2022, Timothy Allen
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Tools for building glyphs by combining other glyphs.

Unicode has a lot of "pre-combined" code-points that are the combination of
a normal code-point and a combining code-point, like how U+014D LATIN SMALL
LETTER O WITH MACRON is the combination of U+006F LATIN SMALL LETTER O with
U+0304 COMBINING MACRON. Given glyphs for their individual components,
glyphs for pre-combined code-points can be automatically generated.

An example of using this module to generate pre-combined glyphs:

.. code-block:: python

    decompositions = build_unicode_decompositions()
    filler = FontFiller(myfont, decompositions)

import sys
import unicodedata
from collections import Counter

# There are many ways in which one character might be said to be 'made up of'
# other characters. We're only interested in the ones that involve graphically
# drawing one character overlaid on or beside another.

# Combining class names. Summarised from
CC_SPACING = 0  # Spacing, split, enclosing, reordrant, etc.
CC_OVERLAY = 1  # Overlays and interior
CC_NUKTAS = 7  # Nuktas
CC_VOICING_MARKS = 8  # Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks
CC_VIRAMAS = 9  # Viramas
CC_BL_ATTACHED = 200  # Bottom-left attached
CC_B_ATTACHED = 202  # Bottom attached
CC_BR_ATTACHED = 204  # Bottom-right attached
CC_L_ATTACHED = 208  # Left attached
CC_R_ATTACHED = 210  # Right attached
CC_AL_ATTACHED = 212  # Above-left attached
CC_A_ATTACHED = 214  # Above attached
CC_AR_ATTACHED = 216  # Above-right attached
CC_BL = 218  # Below-left
CC_B = 220  # Below
CC_BR = 222  # Below-right
CC_L = 224  # Left
CC_R = 226  # Right
CC_AL = 228  # Above-left
CC_A = 230  # Above
CC_AR = 232  # Above-right
CC_B_DOUBLE = 233  # Double below
CC_A_DOUBLE = 234  # Double above
CC_IOTA_SUBSCRIPT = 240  # Below (iota subscript)

# Combining glyphs can be drawn in different places on the base glyph; the
# combining class determines exactly where.

# Combining classes that mean "draw the combining character above the base
# character". These cause characters with the "Soft_Dotted" property to be
# treated specially.

# Characters with the "Soft_Dotted" property are treated specially a combining
# character is drawn above them; the dot is not drawn. Since Python's
# unicodedata module won't tell us what properties a character has, we'll have
# to hard-code the list ourselves.

[docs] def build_unicode_decompositions(): r""" Returns a dictionary mapping unicode characters to their components. :returns: a mapping from pre-combined characters to their components. :rtype: :class:`dict` mapping ``unicode`` to :class:`list` of :class:`tuple` of ``unicode``, :class:`int` Each key in the resulting dict is a single-character Unicode string, and each value is a list of single-character Unicode strings and their combining classes, the components of the key. For example, one of the items in the result should be:: u"\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH MACRON}": [ (u"o", 0), (u"\N{COMBINING MACRON}", 230), ] (where 0 indicates a regular base character, and 230 means the glyph is drawn above the base glyph. See for details.) This function obtains information about combining characters from Python's :mod:`unicodedata` standard library module. It also properly handles "soft-dotted" characters "i" and "j" where pre-combined glyphs should be built from the dotless versions of those characters. """ res = {} for codepoint in range(0, sys.maxunicode + 1): curr_char = chr(codepoint) hex_components = unicodedata.decomposition(curr_char).split() if hex_components == []: # No decomposition at all, who cares? continue # If this combining-char sequence has a special type... if hex_components[0].startswith("<"): composition_type = hex_components[0] # it a type we like? if composition_type in USEFUL_COMPOSITION_TYPES: # Strip the type, use the rest of the sequence hex_components = hex_components[1:] else: # This sequence is no good to us, let's move on. continue # Convert ['aaaa', 'bbbb'] to [u'\uaaaa', u'\ubbbb']. components = [chr(int(cp, 16)) for cp in hex_components] # Handle soft-dotted characters. if components[0] in SOFT_DOTTED_CHARACTERS and len(components) > 1: above_components = [ c for c in components[1:] if unicodedata.combining(c) in ABOVE_COMBINING_CLASSES ] # If there are any above components... if len(above_components) > 0: # ...replace the base character with its undotted equivalent. components[0] = SOFT_DOTTED_CHARACTERS[components[0]] # Look up the combining classes, too res[curr_char] = [ (char, unicodedata.combining(char)) for char in components ] return res
[docs] class FontFiller(object): """ Build pre-combined glyphs from available component glyphs. :param Font font: Any pre-combined glyphs will be added to this font. :param decompositions: A dict mapping pre-combined characters to their components, as returned by :func:`build_unicode_decompositions`. Call :meth:`add_decomposable_glyphs_to_font()` on an instance of this class to add as many pre-combined glyphs as possible. .. py:attribute:: missing_chars (:class:`collections.Counter`) After calling :meth:`add_decomposable_glyphs_to_font()`, this attribute will record characters that could be used in combining sequences, but were missing from the input font. Adding the character with the highest count to the font will give you the biggest increase in Unicode coverage. .. py:attribute:: unknown_classes (:class:`collections.Counter`) After caling :meth:`add_decomposable_glyphs_to_font()`, this attribute will record Unicode combining classes included in the `decompositions` paramater that `bdflib` does not yet support. If `bdflib` were extended to support these Unicode combining classes, we might be able to use them to create new glyphs. """ def __init__(self, font, decompositions): self.font = font self.decompositions = decompositions self.missing_chars = Counter() self.unknown_classes = Counter()
[docs] def add_glyph_to_font(self, char): """ Add the glyph representing char to the given font, if it can be built. :param unicode char: A single-codepoint Unicode string, whose glyph should be generated (if possible) and added to the font passed to the class constructor. :returns: ``True`` if the font now contains a glyph for that character, ``False`` otherwise. This method may return ``True`` if a glyph was generated, or if the font already contained the required glyph. This method may return ``False`` if: * the decompositions passed to the class constructor do not include any components for ``char`` * the font passed to the class constructor is missing glyphs for one or more of ``char``'s components, and they could not be generated * one of ``char``'s components uses a combining class this code doesn't understand """ if ord(char) in self.font: # It's already there! return True if char not in self.decompositions: # We don't know how to build it. return False components = self.decompositions[char] for component_char, combining_class in components: if combining_class not in SUPPORTED_COMBINING_CLASSES: # We don't know how to combine this with other characters. self.unknown_classes[combining_class] += 1 return False if not self.add_glyph_to_font(component_char): # We don't know how to build one of the required components. self.missing_chars[component_char] += 1 return False # Now we have all the components, let's put them together! glyph = self.font.new_glyph_from_data( b"char%d" % ord(char), codepoint=ord(char) ) # Draw on the base char. base_char = components[0][0] base_combining_class = components[0][1] base_glyph = self.font[ord(base_char)] glyph.merge_glyph(base_glyph, 0, 0) glyph.advance = base_glyph.advance for component_char, combining_class in components[1:]: other_glyph = self.font[ord(component_char)] if combining_class == CC_SPACING: # Draw other_glyph beside the current glyph glyph.merge_glyph(other_glyph, glyph.advance, 0) glyph.advance += other_glyph.advance elif combining_class == CC_A: # Draw other_glyph centred above the current glyph y_offset = 0 x_offset = 0 if b"CAP_HEIGHT" in self.font and glyph.bbH > 0: # We assume combining glyphs are drawn above the # CAP_HEIGHT. y_offset = glyph.get_ascent() - self.font[b"CAP_HEIGHT"] if glyph.bbW > 0: x_offset = int( float(glyph.advance) / 2 - float(other_glyph.advance) / 2 ) glyph.merge_glyph(other_glyph, x_offset, y_offset) elif combining_class in (CC_B, CC_B_ATTACHED): # Draw other_glyph centred below the current glyph y_offset = -glyph.get_descent() x_offset = 0 if glyph.bbW > 0: x_offset = int( float(glyph.advance) / 2 - float(other_glyph.advance) / 2 ) glyph.merge_glyph(other_glyph, x_offset, y_offset) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unsupported combining class %d" % (combining_class,) ) return True
[docs] def add_decomposable_glyphs_to_font(self): """ Adds all the glyphs that can be built to the given font. This calls :meth:`add_glyph_to_font` for each key in the decompositions passed to the class constructor. """ for char in self.decompositions: self.add_glyph_to_font(char)