Source code for bdflib.reader

# bdflib, a library for working with BDF font files
# Copyright (C) 2009, Timothy Alle
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from bdflib import model

def _read_glyph(iterable, font):
	glyphName = ""
	codepoint = -1
	bbX = 0
	bbY = 0
	bbW = 0
	bbH = 0
	advance = 0
	data = []

	for line in iterable:
		parts = line.strip().split(b' ')
		key = parts[0]
		values = parts[1:]

		if key == b"STARTCHAR":
			glyphName = b" ".join(values)
		elif key == b"ENCODING":
			codepoint = int(values[0])
		elif key == b"DWIDTH":
			advance = int(values[0])
		elif key == b"BBX":
			bbW, bbH, bbX, bbY = [int(val) for val in values]
		elif key == b"BITMAP":
			# The next bbH lines describe the font bitmap.
			data = [next(iterable).strip() for i in range(bbH)]
			assert next(iterable).strip() == b"ENDCHAR"

	font.new_glyph_from_data(glyphName, data, bbX, bbY, bbW, bbH, advance,

def _unquote_property_value(value):
	# Python 2.x compat: we can't predict whether indexing into a bytestring
	# will give a one-char string or an integer.
	if value[0] == b'"'[0]:
		# Must be a string. Remove the outer quotes and un-escape embedded
		# quotes.
		return value[1:-1].replace(b'""', b'"')
		# No quotes, must be an integer.
		return int(value)

def _read_property(iterable, font):
	key, value = next(iterable).strip().split(b' ', 1)

	font[key] = _unquote_property_value(value)

def _skip_blank_lines(iterable):
	Yields only lines from iterable that contain non-whitespace characters.
	for line in iterable:
		line = line.strip()
		if line != b"":
			yield line

[docs]def read_bdf(raw_iterable): """ Read a BDF-format font from the given source. :param raw_iterable: Each item should be a single line of the BDF file, ASCII encoded. :type raw_iterable: iterable of :class:`bytes` :returns: the resulting font object :rtype: :class:`.Font` If you want to read an actual file, make sure you use the 'b' flag so you get bytes instead of text:: font = bdflib.reader.read_bdf(open(path, 'rb')) """ name = b"" pointSize = 0.0 resX = 0 resY = 0 comments = [] font = None iterable = _skip_blank_lines(raw_iterable) for line in iterable: parts = line.strip().split(b' ') key = parts[0] values = parts[1:] if key == b"COMMENT": comments.append(b" ".join(values)) elif key == b"FONT": name = b" ".join(values) elif key == b"SIZE": pointSize = float(values[0]) resX = int(values[1]) resY = int(values[2]) elif key == b"FONTBOUNDINGBOX": # We don't care about the font bounding box, but it's the last # header to come before the variable-length fields for which we # need a font object around. font = model.Font(name, pointSize, resX, resY) for c in comments: font.add_comment(c) elif key == b"STARTPROPERTIES": propertyCount = int(values[0]) [_read_property(iterable, font) for i in range(propertyCount)] assert next(iterable).strip() == b"ENDPROPERTIES" elif key == b"CHARS": glyphCount = int(values[0]) [_read_glyph(iterable, font) for i in range(glyphCount)] break assert next(iterable).strip() == b"ENDFONT" return font