Source code for bdflib.writer

# bdflib, a library for working with BDF font files
# Copyright (C) 2009, Timothy Alle
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import math

def _quote_property_value(val):
	if isinstance(val, int):
		return b"%d" % val
		return b'"' + bytes(val).replace(b'"', b'""') + b'"'

[docs]def write_bdf(font, stream): """ Write a BDF-format font to the given stream. :param Font font: The font to write to the given stream. :param stream: The stream that will receive the font. ``stream`` must be an object with at ``.write()`` method that takes a :class:`bytes`. If you want to write to an actual file, make sure you use the 'b' flag:: bdflib.writer.write_bdf(font, open(path, 'wb')) """ # The font bounding box is the union of glyph bounding boxes. font_bbX = 0 font_bbY = 0 font_bbW = 0 font_bbH = 0 for g in font.glyphs: new_bbX = min(font_bbX, g.bbX) new_bbY = min(font_bbY, g.bbY) new_bbW = max(font_bbX + font_bbW, g.bbX + g.bbW) - new_bbX new_bbH = max(font_bbY + font_bbH, g.bbY + g.bbH) - new_bbY (font_bbX, font_bbY, font_bbW, font_bbH) = ( new_bbX, new_bbY, new_bbW, new_bbH) # Calculated properties that aren't in the font model. properties = { b"PIXEL_SIZE": int(math.ceil( font[b"RESOLUTION_Y"] * font[b"POINT_SIZE"] / 72.0)), b"FONT_ASCENT": font_bbY + font_bbH, b"FONT_DESCENT": font_bbY * -1, } if len(font.glyphs_by_codepoint) > 0: properties[b"DEFAULT_CHAR"] = max(font.glyphs_by_codepoint.keys()) properties.update( # The POINT_SIZE property is actually in deci-points. properties[b"POINT_SIZE"] = int(properties[b"POINT_SIZE"] * 10) # Write the basic header. stream.write(b"STARTFONT 2.1\n") stream.write(b"FONT ") stream.write(font[b"FACE_NAME"]) stream.write(b"\n") stream.write(b"SIZE %g %d %d\n" % (font[b"POINT_SIZE"], font[b"RESOLUTION_X"], font[b"RESOLUTION_Y"])) stream.write(b"FONTBOUNDINGBOX %d %d %d %d\n" % (font_bbW, font_bbH, font_bbX, font_bbY)) # Write the properties stream.write(b"STARTPROPERTIES %d\n" % (len(properties),)) keys = sorted(properties.keys()) for key in keys: stream.write(key) stream.write(b" ") stream.write(_quote_property_value(properties[key])) stream.write(b"\n") stream.write(b"ENDPROPERTIES\n") # Write out the glyphs stream.write(b"CHARS %d\n" % (len(font.glyphs),)) for glyph in font.glyphs: scalable_width = int(1000.0 * glyph.advance / properties[b"PIXEL_SIZE"]) stream.write(b"STARTCHAR ") stream.write( stream.write(b"\n") stream.write(b"ENCODING %d\n" % (glyph.codepoint,)) stream.write(b"SWIDTH %d 0\n" % (scalable_width,)) stream.write(b"DWIDTH %d 0\n" % (glyph.advance,)) stream.write(b"BBX %d %d %d %d\n" % (glyph.bbW, glyph.bbH, glyph.bbX, glyph.bbY)) stream.write(b"BITMAP\n") for row in glyph.get_data(): stream.write(row) stream.write(b"\n") stream.write(b"ENDCHAR\n") stream.write(b"ENDFONT\n")